Saturday 9 October 2010

Eilen Jewell Band

For the third year running, a late summer early autumn Eilen Jewell Band gig and she never fails to give a great performance. Back again at Tingewick we came along in a party of 14, missing the opening number due to being in the pub opposite with its slow serving. We were greeted by rows of seats taking up the body of the hall which was a great disappointment, but I quickly headed for the front side and stood. The serried ranks of seated cut the atmosphere somewhat and if it was not for some heckling from the side (me) and a number of those standing at the back, Eilen would have had a problem of whipping the audience up, although must say the seated ones were certainly enjoying it.
So what must have been a 100 minute set, she covered songs from all four of the studio albums plus one of the Sacred Shakers side project. A mixture of mainly her own penned songs, and a couple of covers the heckling started when introducing one of her songs, the audience decided it was time for requests. Although known for playing numbers suggested by the audience, she appeared initially taken aback, but soon went for it and for the last third of the set played the requests. In doing so she then entered a dialogue with the audience and reduced the dulling effect of the seated ones immediately in front of her.
Before the two number encore the band did the ever expected Shakin All Over, which of course featured a tour de force of Gretsch guitar playing from Jerry Miller.
And so everybody then went home happy except for the few that made it back over to the pub for a further drink, to be joined by the band again, it had been suggested. I stood the band a drink which was reciprocated by Eilen back to me. Our party had been debating before the band came in how they make a living out of touring so I asked Johnny Sciascia to explain it to the gathered throng. He took my place at the table, and i think the much appreciated discussion went on for another twenty minutes.
Thank you Johnny for being such a good egg, and thank you Eilen for the drink. Next tour it has to be Oxford.
 The only downside arrived next day when I realised that I had left the smeary UV filter on my camera which notched the aperture down by one stop and with the minimal lighting in the venue, rendered the images rather unexposed. I have tried my best to enhance them but they have become rather grainy. I need a much faster lens if I am going to carry on doing this.

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